Sunday, 5 July 2015

Non Violent Communication and Emotions during sprints

A few weeks back I attended a session on ‘Non Violent Communication’ delivered by one of my colleagues in my organization. The session was extraordinary and was something in line with what I always make as a point while guiding agile teams. (Special thanks to Adam for the session!)

This session led me to relate the emotions and the Non Violent Communication of team members and the combined impact on the day to day team activities. Before moving forward, let us see what veteran agile coach Lyssa Adkin says for emotions.

Lyssa says in her book- Coaching Agile Teams, -‘We practice mastering ourselves in the moment so that we can better open ourselves to being a servant leader and to harness our emotions and choose what to do with our reactions. Yet we’re human. We react.’

Lyssa further explains-‘Sometimes, the team needs you to remain unfiltered—to see your reaction as a reflection of what just happened. More often, though, your reaction is about you and has no place in the coaching. Notice your reaction and consciously choose whether to act on it. This is the practiced skill.

So this gives Agile coaches a sense of their emotional state. Now I come to emotional state of team members. Emotions play a vital role, for ScrumMaster/Facilitator and for agile team members as well. When I say about emotional state of team members, it may be individual’s emotions or team’s emotions collectively depending upon the situations.

Emotions can be reflected directly or indirectly. There are many factors which controls emotions. For example- Matter being discussed, Religious beliefs, Cultural differences etc and most importantly communication (if not following the Non Violent Communication). If an agile team is not adopting Non Violent Communication, sometimes team members get hurt by the way communications take place. Violent communications not only demotivate people but also hinder transparency and collaboration. This creates problem for smooth functioning of a team.  A good emotional state of individuals creates a positive impact on team’s deliveries (sprint). 

To control impact of emotions on day to day life is not an easy task and when it comes to team’s emotion, a facilitator cannot steer it however he or she could help to understand the reasons effecting the emotions. If there are some points which could be taken-care by facilitator to refrain negative emotions, he/she can make efforts to control it. Sometimes people just need to know that their concerns have been heard. However as I stated, it is not so easy task and needs a careful effort otherwise can lead to more complications.

Each ceremony of scrum reflects emotional state of team yet Sprint Retrospective is the ceremony where team can look back to whole sprint and share their emotions during that sprint. These are the emotions which drive what went good, what went wrong and what needs to be improved. So facilitator must focus on understanding these emotions. If needed the results of retrospectives may be forwarded to Enterprise Transition team/Project Management Office.

One important aspect of getting true value out of Sprint Retrospectives is the games being played in Retrospectives. I have seen many teams which do not invest time in such games and sometimes lead to dry and monotonous retrospectives. In my next piece, I will come with such games which make the retrospectives livelier. Till then keep me posting your views on EMOTIONS.

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