Different opinions among Scrum followers sometimes create
points of discussion. Recently one such point was, "Who can terminate a
sprint?" There were three different opinions, covering all three roles in
Scrum (ScrumMaster, product owner, development team). Below are excerpts from
Scrum experts that give us insight into the different answers to this question.
In Agile Project Management with Scrum, Ken Schwaber says,
"If the Sprint proves to be not viable, the ScrumMaster can abnormally
terminate the Sprint and initiate a new Sprint planning meeting to initiate the
next Sprint. The ScrumMaster can make this change of his or her own accord or
as requested by the Team or the Product Owner."
Kenneth Rubin, in Essential Scrum, writes, "Should the
sprint goal become completely invalid, the Scrum team may decide that
continuing with the current sprint makes no sense and advise the product owner
to abnormally terminate the sprint."
And in Succeeding with Agile, Mike Cohn writes, "Let's
consider the case of the product owner discovering some important new
requirement that she says needs to be done instead of the work the team is
engaged in. Sometimes this will happen. When it does I suggest making the
change in sprint goal visible. Scrum does this by having the team announce an
abnormal termination to the sprint . . . "
What I want to make clear here, as is made clear in the
quotes above, is the importance of context. Without understanding the context
of the situation, one should not get carried away with one's own opinion. One
must consider the scenario leading to the termination of the sprint. Though
sprint termination is rare, sometimes compelling reasons indicate its need.
Whatever the case is, due to transparency in Scrum practices, reasons will be
visible to all. The Scrum team has to act according to the situation. Sprint
termination is not a decision taken without the consensus of the team, and the
Scrum team is comprised of all three roles: product owner + ScrumMaster +
development team.
Originally published at: https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2015/february/hold-on-scrum-players-your-team-still-need-clarity
Originally published at: https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2015/february/hold-on-scrum-players-your-team-still-need-clarity
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